What could be the future of Indian Real Estate?
Since 2006 Indian Real Estate market has been witnessing a Up-roar, until recently! Market has attracted many young minds and many universities have also initiated various real estate courses.
Big broker firms have been flooded with internship requests from around the country and are more than willing to learn and "master" the field.
Anyone can be a Real Estate agent in India, with no minimum qualifications required
That's possibly a major concern as the youngsters entering in the field are perhaps moving in the wrong direction, i.e. MONEY and FAME (which we all need at the end of the day) but it should not be short lived. Many buyers have tasted sour grapes by investing through amateur agents who are not well versed with future of real estate and ROI in coming years.
Young agents are trained only to SELL and not satisfy and comfort the buyer. Nor these agents pay any attention to any kind of paper works involved in property transactions and rather spend time making exclusive schemes and packages to pull potential buyers!
Wanting to be WOLF OF REAL ESTATE in a very short span of time can be very hazardous as it may fetch you money in quick time as commissions but wont fetch you a healthy client relation for years to come.
What should be done to give market Qualified Agents?
A central body should be formulated which will provide license to brokers and certify them to practise in a particular region of the market.
A person shall only be termed as PROPERTY CONSULTANT after he/she practices sale-purchase for good number of years. This will help in filtering short-lived and money minded agents to quit the market themselves.
Check agents if they are qualified enough to understand and satisfy the buyers regarding all kind of paper works and simply depend on advocates for the same!
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